Today’s podcast is called “From Passion to Projection: The Untold Tale of an Indie Filmmaker. I hope to share an insight into the captivating world of filmmaking. I’m your host, Sanj Saigal. Joining me all the way from Hollywood is a renowned movie producer who has brought countless memorable stories to the big screen. Also a model and actress with an Instagram following touching the 700k mark, please welcome Chelsea LeSage.
Today’s podcast is called “From Passion to Projection: The Untold Tale of an Indie Filmmaker.” I hope to share an insight into the captivating world of filmmaking. I’m your host, Sanj Saigal. Joining me all the way from Hollywood is a renowned movie producer who has brought countless memorable stories to the big screen. Also a model and actress with an Instagram following touching the 700k mark, please welcome Chelsea LeSage.
Chelsea LeSage is an NYC based actor/model/composer/director/producer and the co-founder of CL Squared Productions and Golden Grand Piano Productions. She plays The Nameless in the upcoming Bishop’s Cove, Lady Macbeth in Macbeth: A Cursed Film and Julie in Amazon’s 21st Century Demon Hunter. She is currently working on the feature films The Virginia Bitches and The Coohatch and just wrapped the world premiere of A Wedding Story at The Chain Theatre.
We caught-up with the actress, model and film producer for a candid conversation about the film production process and some of the challenges involved. Soon to be represent a brand on a space in Times Square, we discuss her meteoric rise to fame and current projects in the pipeline.
Podcast Questions
Here are some of the questions that I asked Chelsea.
As a movie producer, you play a vital role in bringing a film to life. Please share with our listeners a bit about what it entails and how you got started in the indie movie industry?
It’s fascinating to hear about the intricacies of your role. What challenges do you face as a producer, and how do you overcome them?
It’s clear that producing a film requires a great deal of skill and expertise. Can you share any memorable experiences or projects that have shaped your career?
Do you have any advice for aspiring movie producers or individuals interested in pursuing a career in the film industry?
Did one career path lead you to another?
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