Our second edition will be available on the 15th of February. Each page contains flashing image links, text links and video capture boxes, so readers get a very different interactive experience.

Use these links at your Zoom meetings, share your article across social media platforms and raise your business profile with a lush editorial. We created a website to work in harmony with our magazine’s flip version, so if you miss the article deadlines for the current edition, you can still feature. We believe that we have redefined the concept of networking. Our next edition will be available on the 15th of May 2021.

Something fresh for February.

The concept of producing high quality and extremely visible online quarterly publication has created quite a storm on the social media landscape. We are proud to say that it has outperformed expectation and has called for creating a blog.

For the upcoming edition, there will be in effect a parking space for articles waiting for the next flip magazine version. We are excited because we will also be rebranding, so some notable changes such as colours and logo will be noted.

We now have paid image stock, video stock, publication software, additional writers, and a new website is under construction. There are also plans to get help with editorials and SEO optimisation, which will help us be more visible online.

With around sixty-six pages in production, there are some new sections, and as we expand, these will accommodate the various featured businesses. We hope that you will enjoy reading our magazine as much as we enjoyed creating it. For more information about how we can help you, use the contact page on this blog.

We use conference call software for all our interviews, so it doesn’t matter whether you are based in the UK or internationally.

February Edition

15th of February 2021

November Edition

15th of November 2020

Flexible advertising with Editorials from £99.00