Websites vs Social Media
It is undeniable that the growth of social media is stratospheric; in 2019 there were more new
social media profiles than babies born globally. So where does that leave the website?
Some people choose to promote their business only through social media, but I would like to
argue the point as to why you also need a good, up-to-date, website that works together with
your social media.
How do websites and social media differ?
You don’t own your social media!
The main difference between social media profiles and a website is that you don’t own your
social media profiles. Someone else owns them and controls them, a bit like the homeowner
versus the tenant.
Unless you are on a web creation platform like Wix or Squarespace, where you rent a site, you
probably own your website.
You have ultimate control
Over the past year we have seen Facebook taking down people’s pages and Instagram
accounts being hacked and held to ransom. These things don’t happen often, but when they do
it can be very disruptive. If you fully own your website you have full control.
Your website is your space
No one can comment, be rude or negative in your space.
What is the purpose of a website in a world of social media?
Your website is your shop window inviting prospective clients to come in. Ultimately the aim is
to get your visitor to get in touch or buy right there and then.
Authority and legitimacy
A well-crafted site adds authority and legitimacy to your brand, today’s equivalent of a glossy
Searches on Google may bring up your profile on LinkedIn and Facebook but your rankings will
be higher if you have a website which will enhance your presence and authority.
Base camp
Your website is your base camp for all other profiles you have. It also where you are able to
hone your full marketing message, tell your story, and showcase all your products or services in
one place.
Social media gives you the opportunity to share your knowledge, products and offering.
However, the posts are fleeting. Getting longevity and traction over a longer period from a
single post is quite hard. Showing your knowledge by blogging on your website is a great way
to raise you up in search results. Getting an SEO (search engine optimisation) audit on the
keywords needed in your sector to be seen is a great investment too.
Words have longevity on the internet, once you have taken the time to create good content it
will be there for as long as it adds value to your brand. Partner this with the right social media
for your engagement, this linking one to the other will benefit hugely your business.
Referral reference point
For those of us who invest our time in networking we know the importance of making it easy
and accessible for our colleagues to refer us. Much of my new business comes from referrals
and recommendations, many people who get in touch have already done their homework on
me sometimes reading all the testimonials on my site!
It is quite hard to refer someone to a business without a website – I know, because I’ve tried!
People want, and expect, to see a site to get a flavour of the business and approach.
The importance of keeping your site as current as your social media
Social media can represent you in the now, showing exactly what you are doing or offering on
the day. This has been a great tool over the last year when people have had to evolve their
services and products to suit our lockdown lives. Websites do need attention too to keep them
up-to-date and current.
In the week I wrote this article I had three phone calls from prospective clients saying they are
too embarrassed to give out their website address because it is so out of date and not
reflecting their brand right now. Often websites get tired or stale while people work hard to
keep their social media en-pointe. These should, without doubt, be working in tandem.
Match / reflect your social media
Your site should match and reflect your social media, giving a consistent message. Your social
media is fleeting so make sure people can link back to your site where they can return to it
time and time again.
Evaluate and revise
Read through your site and check it is working for you:
- Are your prices and products up-to-date?
- Are links to other sites still active?
- Do you have good ‘Calls to Action’?
- Are your telephone numbers all clickable from mobile devices?
Look at what other people in your sector are doing. This should be an on-going check to see how other people are updating their presence.
Get the right help or the relevant training
A barrier to updating a website is usually getting the right help or finding the relevant training. These services are available – not only from someone like me but throughout the industry. If you have a website built, ensure you understand by whom or how your site is going to be updated.
I’m in full support of all social media engagement but believe there is a strong argument for a
good website, when you put them to work together it is a winning formula.
Helen Bantock
Kite Web Design
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